The Ráday Salon is an independent human rights oriented program in Budapest, Hungary, established and run by Linda Carranza and Michael Simmons, and rooted in our own individual histories as human rights activists. The aim of the Salon is to provide a venue for learning, exchange, and discussion of various human rights issues in an informal context, where small groups of people can engage closely with each other on topics that they may not often have the opportunity to discuss. Salon evenings usually involve either a film screening or a presentation by an expert and/or practitioner on a particular topic, with discussion to follow. Topics have included such varied subjects as the African American Civil Rights Movement; the Hungarian Revolution of 1956; sexual assault and sex trafficking; the experience of Afro-Germans in Nazi Germany; environmental justice in Roma communities; and the current war in Iraq, among others. During a typical Salon “season” (usually from fall through spring) we will host an event roughly every six to eight weeks, usually on a Thursday evening, though events are also sometimes held on a more irregular schedule.
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